The iSHARE Scheme was developed with the following assumptions in mind: 

  1. Conditions for the exchange of data are assumed to be established;
    The iSHARE Scheme needs to rely upon the responsibility of participants to know what rights they have to what data. iSHARE is meant as an instrument to exchange data in a uniform, controlled and straightforward way; it is not meant as a means to resolve questions of data ownership. In practice this means that a party sharing data bears responsibility to sufficiently establish whether the party receiving the data is authorized to receive it. 

  2. Data formats and semantics are assumed to be in place;
    In order to be able to exchange data, a mutual understanding of the meaning of data and the way data is structured is required. Within iSHARE, it is assumed that this mutual understanding exists and thus the exchange of data between involved parties is possible (in line with guiding principle 4). Please note that this assumption emphasises the need for industry initiatives on data standards and formats. 

  3. Data classification has taken place;
    It is assumed that within the iSHARE Scheme, participants have sufficiently identified and classified their data. iSHARE participants are responsible for the classification of their data; the iSHARE Scheme does not prescribe its participants how to classify their resources. Please refer to data classification in the glossary for further detail.

Operational assumptions:

The Operational details of the iSHARE Scheme were developed with the following assumptions in mind: 

  1. There will be a Scheme Owner of a yet to be defined form;
    This can be an existing body or a new body, and/or responsibilities can be split between different bodies. 

  2. The Scheme Owner is financed through some type of financing constellation;
    This can be through participants paying some type of fee or in any other feasible way. The Operational working group did not decide upon the financing constellation of the Scheme Owner.

  3. The complexity of the operational processes is expected to be as follows: