The iSHARE Trust Framework describes the Governance as follows. The Scheme Owner is the main body involved in the maintenance of the iSHARE Trust Framework.
The governance consists of the following bodies. See below for detailed descriptions: 

The governance is organised as such that the iSHARE network can operate and grow in a sustainable way. At the same time it provides the appropriate checks and balances that will allow Participants to provide input, supervise ongoing activities and collaboratively influence the growth and development of the iSHARE Trust Framework.
Rules about the foundation’s organisation and its governance framework are captured in the statutes of the iSHARE Foundation. The iSHARE Foundation is listed in the Commercial Register (Handelsregister) in the Netherlands maintained by the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) under registration number 73058289.


The above figure describes the governance in the Trust Framework. L/O - Legal/Operational. F/T - Functional/Technical. 

 Scheme Owner

The iSHARE Foundation is the Scheme Owner of the iSHARE Trust Framework and is responsible for all activities related to the iSHARE Trust FrameworkThe iSHARE Scheme Owner consists of:


The iSHARE Foundation can receive funding from government and semi-public organisations that wish to support the realisation of the goals of the Foundation. Upon request of such an organisation, the Supervisory Board can decide to grant the organisation the status of Sponsor of the iSHARE Foundation. The organisation maintains the status of Sponsor for the duration that it provides funding to the iSHARE Foundation.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board transferred Scheme Owner activities to the iSHARE Foundation.

Council of Participants

Change Advisory Board